Mike Scinto
Talk Show Host and Award-Winning Newspaper Columnist
as it appeared in Times Community Newspapers and the K-O Times
One of the saddest stories, most disagreed upon issues and hottest postings on my Facebook page relates to the passing of former Penn State head football coach Joe Paterno. Relieved of his duties after allegations he knew about, but looked the other way, when Asst. Coach and longtime friend Jerry Sandusky was charged with sexual violations of young boys, Paterno lived the past months in seclusion and disgrace.
Once we put on those big boy pants and shoes in life and say goodbye to Mom and Dad, we assume the responsibilities of adulthood. With those responsibilities come consequences. And by the time you’re in your 80s all that should be perfectly clear. I am sorry for his family and for those who mourn for the good days, and years, of Joe Paterno, but I cry inside for the young lives that will be damaged forever by any alleged abuse that may have been ignored by the Coach.
As I said on Facebook I always admired Joe Paterno as a coach, and as a man. We’ve heard great things said about him now that he has passed. As far as I am concerned there are things people can do (or not do) that erase any good they might do in life (like some Catholic Clerics). One of those is allowing the alleged sexual abuse of young children who can't defend themselves. While Jo Pa was never convicted of knowing I will simply say, if he knew and didn't do what needed to be done, as far as I am concerned he should have NO statues, awards or accolades.
One Facebook defender of Paterno said on my page “I believe that he did report this to his supervisors and they failed to act on what he had told them”.
Another enabler claimed “….but I still think that Joe Paterno was used as a scapegoat...sure he probably could have done more, but have you forgotten about grace and forgiveness...isn't that what it is all about...don’t be so harsh on your brothers and sisters...we are ALL recovering from something...enough said”.
Far more suggested things like this “I think the library on campus named in his honor should be renamed. In my eyes he is AS GUILTY as Sandusky for letting it to continue to happen”.
One sports anchor/reporter added “Having been a PSU fan from the time I was 10 years old until November and having covered PSU before coming to Dayton I consider myself to be quite knowledgeable on the program. Paterno had ZERO superiors at PSU! He did the bare minimum of what he should've done. He chose to protect the programs image over the welfare of kids and it's disgusting. That being said he did do a lot of great things but unfortunately this trumps them all.
And yet one more added “I'm sorry, but for me his memory will always be tarnished. Football means nothing compared to the lives of all those children.
Some of his defenders say he shouldn't be judged on this one mistake. Tell that to the boys who were allegedly raped; rapes that could have been prevented! If I drive the getaway car for you when you rob a bank, sit on the knowledge that you did rob it or just bury my head in the sand there are legal and moral ramifications for my actions, or inactions. Robbing a bank is nothing compared to these allegations.