Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The bin Laden Reign of Terror is Over!

By Mike Scinto

Appearing in the Kettering-Oakwood Times-Times Community Newspapers
            My first reaction to the bulletin that interrupted programming Sunday evening was “Thank God, the world is rid of this monster”. My second thought was hoping he struggled before he finally died because of the pain he caused so many. My third reaction was I wish they would have captured him, brought him to America, released him in an arena with the families and survivors of the 9/11 horrors and just let them have him.            
          Then I watched the crowds in Times Square, and other cities, cheering, laughing and singing. Something clicked inside me. While I shared the sentiment, and given the opportunity would have joined them, I felt a little funny. Was I sorry bin Laden was dead? No I wasn’t. I think what bothered me was the fact that our celebration made us look almost uncivilized.
            Don’t get me wrong. Put me in Pakistan with a weapon and I’d have put two into him without hesitation. Is that the right way to feel? 
            I am a follower of Christ; or at least I sure strive for that. So why am I not apologetic for despising this killer and being glad he’s dead? I have to say, at least speaking for myself, it’s a bit hypocritical. Would the Savior I say I follow be dancing and singing in the streets?  Man, I sure never thought I would feel this way! 
            Before I get the emails and Facebook comments ripping me to shreds, please understand I am not judging anybody’s feelings; I already said I share them. I’m not trying to shove the Bible down your throat. I am ONLY speaking of my own inner conflicts.
            I suppose my main reason for putting this down in words is the cathartic feeling it gives me. And just in case there may be others wrestling with the same thoughts to know you’re not alone. There’s no doubt the world is a better, safer place without bin Laden. But are we better as a result of our manner of dealing with it?