By Mike Scinto
Appearing in Kettering-Oakwood Times and Times Community Newspapers
This column will be short and sweet, direct and as neutral as I can make it; but it is vital. It’s about doing what I believe is a responsibility of every American over the age of 18. That, of course, is casting your ballot in a little over three weeks. But along with that responsibility is the need to be educated about the candidates and issues.
Most view non-Presidential elections as not being as important as the “big ones”. Never in most of our lives has that been any less true than this year. The outcome of this vote will affect the direction of this great nation more than any in the recent past. It will chart the course of you, your retirement years and the lives of your children and grandchildren.
This will likely sound hokey, and may travel in one ear and directly out the other without lodging in any of your brain at all, but I have to say it. Sometime before Election Day, maybe the weekend before, sit down with family, friends, church group and especially young voters (as we plan to do with our 18 year old son, Zak), folks who haven’t voted in a few years as well as “regulars” at their precinct. Go over the ballot, issue by issue, candidate by candidate and make sure you don’t have any questions. The Internet makes that very simple. Separate fact from fiction by explaining that campaign ads are marketing tools, not fact sheets.
I can’t tell you the number of times callers to my radio show have said, after the fact, they saw this issue or that, or one candidate or another they knew nothing about. In fact, they didn’t have a clue they were even on the ballot. With instant access to answers to all your questions available by moving a mouse, there’s no excuse for not knowing what/who you’ll be choosing when it’s your turn.
Talk about the lives that have been lost, as well as the lives in harm’s way as we speak, to protect our right to cast those ballots. Realize the billions on the planet who don’t enjoy that freedom.
Nothing angers me more than to hear somebody stayed home because their “vote didn’t count”, they’re “just a bunch of crooks anyway” or they had “better things to do”. They are what I refer to as the real “ugly Americans”. If the shoe fits, wear it! And don’t give me this “it’s my right NOT to vote” garbage.
So, in the coming days and weeks educate yourself, help others understand and map out what you want your future to look like starting this November. If you are so inclined (as I am) pray about wisdom to make the right choice. See you at the polls!
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