Monday, December 3, 2012
Guns Are Under Attack Yet Again
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Vote Robin Hood; Change We Can Count On
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Back To School; At Home
**As it appeared in the Kettering-Oakwood Times and other Times Community Newspapers**
I remember it was a very hot summer day, much like the ones we are experiencing now. It was sometime in the mid 1990s. I had been out in the heat much of the day and needed air conditioning and a cold drink. I found both. After sipping the ice cold water and getting comfortable in my seat I tuned out all around me and the next thing I knew it was time to head back out into the oven. I suppose the only bad thing about my siesta was that it happened during a very boring, but mandatory, continuing education class for real estate sales. I hope I didn’t snore.
I have been a licensed real estate agent since 1992. I am still licensed but I haven’t been practicing since 1999. I do keep up on real estate trends and practices just in case I get the urge again. I loved real estate sales. And most of the continuing education classes were not as boring as the one I slept through, but they were always inconvenient. I had to block out three hours (plus travel time) here, or four hours there and was locked into that classroom for the entire time. If I missed something the instructor covered, that was just too bad. I needed some way to take my thirty hours, every three years, do it when it was convenient for me and actually get something out of spending my time in the class. Well, I found it this go-around for my license renewal.
I had wondered for some time just how comprehensive, well-planned and convenient education on line would be. I discovered that a real estate salesperson could take some, or their entire CE block on line. I checked online for the best reviewed, most affordable, asked former colleagues and ended up with McKissock Professional Education. McKissock offers a multitude of online courses for real estate professionals. But would I really learn from the classes I took on my computer? You see, some folks in careers requiring continuing education just go through the motions. I have always valued my time and wanted whatever I do to be more than just spinning my wheels.
I loved it! I could go through the classes at my own pace. I could go back over material that I thought was especially important and deserved another look. I didn’t have to listen to self-aggrandizement of instructors in a classroom, or hear their same bad jokes over and over again. I could work a little on a course after supper and pick it up again after watching “Letterman” (without getting dressed). The courses were set up by highly trained and skilled pros who know the business and the course layout seriously makes you feel it was set up just for you.
I can’t speak for all online university or continuing education courses. But I can tell you that at least for my profession, McKissock is the total package and I will, and already have recommended it to my friends in the business. I hope whatever training or education you seek online works out as well as mine did. And for those Realtors weighing the difference of classroom versus online, for me online wins hands down. McKissock can be contacted at or if you prefer to call, the number is 1-800-328-2008.
By the way, if you need a mid-summer afternoon nap, there are more refreshing ways to get that sleep than sitting through a class on radon gas!Wednesday, February 1, 2012
A Eulogy for Joe Paterno
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The Best Doesn’t Come Cheap
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Losing Sight of the Ultimate Goal in 2012
Mike Scinto
Talk Show Host and Award-Winning Newspaper Columnist
as it appeared in Times Community Newspapers and the K-O Times
I’m no novice at observing, commenting on or covering presidential races. And I am not naïve. I know the back and forth attacks are commonplace. But these are not normal times. If you look at the elections since 2000, it shows a country, for all intents and purposes, evenly divided. Every vote counts literally. The economic, strategic and social issues we face are world-changing and if we take a wrong turn now (and we’re well on the way in that direction under Obama) it could mean the end to the freedoms and independence we have enjoyed for most of our lives as a nation.