Monday, December 3, 2012

Guns Are Under Attack Yet Again

As Seen in the KO-Times and other Times Community Newspapers
            Kasandra Perkins is dead. The 22-year-old mother of a 3 month-old child lost her life just as it was beginning really. If you believe sports mouth Bob Costas it’s the fault of the piece of metal that killed her rather than the maniac who took her life.
            I’m a NFL junkie. This past weekend you had to really listen hard to even hear Perkins mentioned. Her name popped up in between messages about the tragic loss of Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher, the cold blooded murderer who killed Perkins, his girlfriend, who then took the coward’s way out and offed himself in front of his coach and GM.
            Was the murder-suicide a tragic event? You bet it was. But did it have anything at all to do about Belcher’s potential, record, camaraderie in the locker room, hard work on the practice field or mourning his loss on that football Sunday? That shouldn’t have been the focus at all. It was obvious to even the simplest of minds that he knew exactly what he did, and was doing.
            Then Costas, as so many lame and liberal media types do, had to inject his anti-gun, anti-Constitution pabulum into the conversation using Kasandra as a pawn in the gun debate. If you didn’t see Costas’ 90 second rant, check it out here .
            I can’t believe I have to still fight this battle supporting our 2nd Amendment rights in America. To put it quite simply (as we have again and again) guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Criminals will NEVER obey gun laws, only defenseless law-abiding citizens will obey those laws. If we simply enforce the laws on the books when an individual uses a gun to commit a crime, that would be sufficient.
            Big government liberals always want honest Americans to be defenseless. It’s worked when governments/dictators in other countries have decided to take over, why not here?
            Costas says in his tirade “If he did not have a gun, they would all be alive”. Aside from being wrong, it is quite likely the method used by this madman to carry out his will would have been far more hideous than what he did. And if those guns are taken out of the hands of honest Americans Bob, perhaps someday soon you won’t be allowed to sit on the tube and flap your gums without being locked up; or worse. Think about that!
 Mike Scinto is a 35 year veteran talk show host serving locally, statewide and nationally behind the microphone. For the past dozen years he has authored this award-winning column. You may have also seen him offering his unique insights of Fox News Channel. “Friend” Mike at or visit and with your morning Java or evening reading check out, comment on and subscribe to the best 60 seconds of your day

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