Sunday, June 1, 2014

Benghazi; A Free Pass For Those In Charge

By Mike Scinto
As seen in 
The Weekly Record Herald
and other fine Civitas Media Newspapers

This is surely not the America I grew up in or served in the United States Air Force. That seems to be a running theme in my columns, and my life lately. But it’s true. My latest disbelief is with the majority of the population willing to sit back and keep quiet over the Benghazi assassinations and cover-up.

We now have the special House committee to investigate the horrific deaths of an American ambassador and three other brave Americans. I won’t go into the details we have all heard over and over again, the charges and counter-charges and the denials by those in charge. I will simply say this is not the way the America I knew and loved would have handled it. First of all, in that America this never would have happened.

The committee is at least something. But this is going to drag on with challenges, subpoenas, more lies and more cover-ups. There’ll be debate, sub-committees, testimony, pundits offering speculation and the truth is we’ll likely never hold any individual(s) accountable. And that STINKS!

I was a Military Training Instructor in the United States Air Force. I was a non-commissioned officer. I was given the responsibility of watching over and training 50 new recruits every six weeks. They were MY responsibility. If anything happened to any of those trainees under my watch, whether or not I was present, I would have been made to account and quite probably court-martialed; as I should have been. To borrow the infamous line from President Harry Truman, “The buck stops here”.

Hillary Clinton, then Secretary of State, should have been held accountable, civilly and criminally. It happened under her watch. Barack Obama should have been impeached and convicted over this. It’s really just that simple. This PREVENTABLE tragedy, with plenty of warnings, happened to Americans serving their country. And we seem just fine with that.

No, this is not the America where I grew up. I can only pray that future generations will have what it takes to turn this ship around. If we don’t the once greatest nation on the planet will face the same fate as the Titanic; and we’re fresh out of lifeboats.

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