Thursday, February 15, 2018

Winter Olympics; All the Excitement of Watching a Turtle Race


Mike Scinto

Allow me to reinforce my macho image before I begin this column. I love sports. I played sports in school, played in adult leagues as I got older, coached our son for 13 years in soccer and baseball and never passed on a chance to compete. Now that I’ve established that I’m a man’s-man, on to my message. I am feeling a bit strange right now. I’m feeling like the ugly American. At the very least

I’m feeling guilty by my total lack of interest in what my fellow planetary citizens all appear to find fascinating. I have no interest whatsoever in the Winter Olympics!

I’ve tried. Oh, I’ve tried hard! I crank on the fireplace, kick back in my lounger with my favorite snacks and adult beverage, my dog Oreo on my lap and my remote control nearby. Within a few minutes I realize I’d dozed off; and I hadn’t even opened my adult beverage yet. I tried to watch the opening ceremonies. Surely THAT would hold my interest. Shortly into it some dude from somewhere had taken his shirt off, oiled his body up and was carrying the flag in the sub-freezing South Korean night. Again, was it just me that I can’t get into it?

I decided to get a good night’s sleep. I read some manly car customizing magazines, watched the highlights of Super Bowl LII and caught up on my past episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful. I should be ready for action on night number two of the Olympics; WRONG! It was another snore fest for me.

I decided I could either do some self-evaluation or pay some over-educated shrink, up to his eyeballs in student loans, to diagnose me. I chose the first option. Why don’t I like the Winter Olympics?

I think it’s the whole package that has me turned off. I never have liked the cold weather. I’m a warm weather outdoor guy and always have been. As the years go by, the cold weather appeals to me even less. That includes sitting for several hours watching other people freezing their buns off skating, skiing, sliding and whatever else they do while the air is colder than my deep-freeze here at home.

I think I’m a bit ADHD as well; tough to concentrate sometimes. When the games are half-way around the world and the stuff I’m watching happened last night or early this morning, I get lost analyzing the technology.

It’s on NBC the most boring sports network possible. I can‘t even make fun of Bob Costas who didn’t get to go to the games or the Super Bowl after saying something about the NFL being a dead sport; not the wisest way to get to cover the networks two hottest sports events.

No, I have no interest in the Winter Olympics at all and I’m hoping it’s NOT because I need testosterone shots. But it’ll help me fall asleep at night if I’m having trouble. Guys, email me and tell me you aren’t into it either and ladies, reassure me at least some of you have a significant other who isn’t watching either; and you’re okay with that.

I suppose it’ll all be finished soon. Then I’ll be complaining about the rebirth of “professional” football in the XFL. It’s like they’re just trying to make me mad! Okay, the 5000 meters speed skating is on now. Good night!

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